Anniversary Cruise: Helping to create unforgettable events through chartered cruises of Tokyo Bay, the Port of Yokohama, and Chiba

Available and departing 24 hrs./day




A cool cruise on a summer evening


Sure to satisfy both adults and children

A cool cruise on a summer evening features

The sea is the summer resort that’s closest at hand.

Going on a cruise is the best choice for a party in the cool of a summer evening!


During summer vacation, guests can bring their children along for a family outing.

A cool cruise on a summer evening is a recommended choice during the heat of summer.

Since the entire boat is chartered, parents can relax without worrying about their children running off.


In fact, parents might find that their children are playing with others and seem to be having all the fun!


To avoid such cases, Anniversary Cruise offers a wide range of activities.


Starting with


A game of split-the-watermelon!


While this seems to be a game for children, it’s actually difficult for a child to split a watermelon.


After the children have given up, adults can show them how it’s done.

It might prove a difficult challenge even for adults, since the boat’s deck moves a little, making it tougher than usual to split the watermelon.


Once the job is done, guests can enjoy some of the split watermelon as a palate cleanser after the meal.




Another summertime activity for young and old alike is the fair!

It’s like a traditional Japanese-style festival on board the boat.


We offer a wide range of activities to suit any budget.

Just a few examples are described below.


Start by fishing for super balls.


Two types of thin paper nets are available, one for adults and one for children, to even out the challenge.


Next, shaved ice


Everybody’s happy to get some shaved ice on a hot summer day


Target shooting is available too


It’s surprisingly realistic.


Enjoy custom-made candy figures too.


You can watch the craftsman’s skilled work up close.


That’s enough for now, but many other options are available.

On a charter cruise, you can enjoy to your heart’s content even activities that are hard to experience at an ordinary festival due to long lines.


In these ways, there are plenty of options for adults and children alike to enjoy cooling off in the summer evening on board a charter cruise.


It’s a great way to plan a day that people will remember, through a summer evening party that’s a little out of the ordinary.

Cruise plan budget and overview

Operation period From mid-June to the end of September
Price per person 7,000-25,000 yen
Minimum amount From 180,000 yen
Passenger range 2-220 persons

*Prices are subject to change depending on the vessel, cuisine, etc.